What to expect
From the Sessions
Once you've made an appointment, I will email you some intake forms for you to review and sign. These forms outline what you can expect from counselling (confidentiality, fees, and my cancellation policy) and gather information about you. If you wish to complete and send these forms to me prior to our first session, I will read through them before we meet. If you prefer to complete them with me, we can do so in the first session.
During our first appointment, we will take time to get to know each other. I want to know what brings you to me and what you hope to accomplish during our time together. We will work together to develop goals for therapy and make sure they are practical and realistic.
In the following sessions, I continue to tailor treatment to your specific needs as I get to know you better. We will develop new ideas and possible solutions to try, identify obstacles, and build on the strengths you have. At the end of each session, you will leave with practical and workable steps to take toward your goal that you have had a hand in creating.
How many sessions and how often a client attends varies from person to person. One thing I know is - the more motivated and active clients are in the therapeutic process, the more successful therapy will be.
What to expect
from your psychologist
The relationship between you and your psychologist is vital to the success of therapy. In fact, research shows that much of the benefit of therapy comes from having a safe, trusting, and caring relationship with your psychologist.
You have the right to expect that I will keep your information private and confidential and that I will act professionally and respect your autonomy to make decisions.
I will collaborate with you to develop goals, listening carefully to your story and occasionally asking clarifying questions. I will likely suggest you complete action plans between sessions which will build momentum for change and give you information on what strategies work and which ones do not. Completing these action plans between sessions is always your choice.
Ultimately, you should expect for us to work in partnership for you to successfully achieve your goals.